Innkeeper's Wife's Blog

Destination: Mechanicsburg

The Groom Wore Spats

Marriage is a lot like ballroom dancing.  To do it right, both partners need to be active participants. You can’t both just do your own thing; a lot of effort goes into synchronizing your activity.  And someone has to lead and someone has to follow.  Traditionally of course, the gentleman leads and the lady follows.  But as married life is a little more complicated and hopefully lasts longer than a tango, over the course of say, twenty-five years, you might find you switch the lead / follow roles from time to time.

Saturday’s bride and groom met on the dance floor in a swing class.  They were a joy to watch together.  Poised, graceful, and perfectly in tune with each other on the dance floor and across the room.  We wish them a lifetime of Foxtrots, tangos and swings, spiced with the occasional merengue.

( PS. Technically, the groom didn’t wear spats – his shoes were perfectly polished swing spectators.)

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